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Increasing Home Value

Written by Caroline Collins | Aug 3, 2023 6:30:00 PM


What upgrades make a difference?

Thinking about moving in the future? You may have purchased a starter home or maybe you’ve decided your current home isn’t going to be the forever place for your family.  

But, you don’t want the home to decrease or stay stagnant in value while you live there. After all, wouldn’t it be nice to make at least a little profit when you decide to sell? 

Increase the value of your property with these upgrades that don’t cost an arm and a leg to complete. 

Adding a New Living Area

Not everyone has the budget or the desire to add a completely brand-new addition to their house. Instead of building on, build in.  

What do we mean? We mean transforming an existing space that isn’t in use for any particular purpose. This could be an attic space, basement, or even spare room that used to be an office or game room.  

An additional bedroom can increase buying opportunity for a family larger than your own!  

Don’t forget to make sure the bedroom is designed and equipped as necessary to be considered a livable space.  

Upkeep in the Kitchen 

The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the home. What does this mean? Yep, you guessed it! This means upgrades in the kitchen usually add value to the home and can be a selling point for cooks and baking lovers 

Remodels of this specific room can be a bit costly. Don’t feel like you have to do a complete kitchen overhaul. Make a few upgrades here and there or tackle a handful that are within a set budget.  

Out in the Open 

Remove some closed-door shelving to create open shelving. This can be done by removing the doors and repainting the cabinets. Or take down the entire cabinet and add some shelves to store and display pretty glasses, plates and more.  

While you’re at it, add some knobs or hooks above countertops for hanging storage space. This is perfect for cutting boards, hanging herbs to dry out, and more. 


Window Treatments  

Bring beauty to the home with upgraded curtains and blinds.  

While you want to showcase natural light, there are times when you want closed off windows for some privacy. Do this in style by putting in some new accent curtains. 

Update Hardware 

As an easy way to upgrade the quality and style of your kitchen hardware replacement. For white cabinets, try a matte black style for a sleek look. If you have black cabinets, make it classy with faux crystal knobs.  

Think Outside the House 

First impressions are made outside of the home. After all, you see the condition of the exterior – everything from landscape to siding – before even stepping foot in a home.  

Think beyond the interior of the home and upgrade an outer feature of the home. Compared to some upgrades, like kitchen appliances or hardware, this type of upgrade will be more costly.  

If you have trouble making the financial decision to pursue a pricier project, put yourself in the shoes of a potential buyer. As a buyer, you’d be inclined to purchase a home at a higher price for a larger project or two having been recently completed rather than know you’ll have to tackle that project yourself in a few years.  

Take a hard look at your home, previous projects, most urgently needed replacements and consider one or more of these upgrades: 

  • Siding Replacement 
  • Roof Replacement 
  • Pouring New or Original Concrete Drive and Sidewalk 
  • Window Upgrades 
  • Entry Door Replacement 
  • New Patio or Back Deck 

Weekend Wrap-Ups 

Don’t worry! Not every upgrade to your home is going to take weeks to complete! 

There are plenty of projects that can be wiped out in a weekend. AND, some of these projects are less of a deep dive into your wallet. 

  • Repaint Front Door 
  • Add Smart Home Technology (lights, security system or cameras) 
  • New LED Lightbulbs 
  • Recaulk Bathtub 
  • Replace Cracked Tiles or Ripped Carpet Spots 
  • Repaint Rooms to Neutral Colors 

These projects might not be fun to tackle but will pay off when you go to sell your home. They can help to catch the eyes of house hunters, making the sale move quickly.  

Even if you aren’t planning on selling, these upgrades are sure to elevate your personal living space.