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If Filing Your Own Taxes is Like Nails on a Chalkboard, It Doesn't Have to Be

Written by GVC Mortgage, Inc. | Feb 6, 2015 5:00:00 AM

If Filing Your Own Taxes is Like Nails on a Chalkboard, It Doesn’t Have to Be

For some, doing taxes is like listening to nails scrape against a chalkboard. The feeling generated from the long, irritating, and repulsive ringing is similar to the gut wrenching and emotional pain you get while reading all the technical gibberish on your tax forms. Filing your own taxes doesn’t have to be difficult, you just need to discover what DIY tax filing method will work best for you.

Filing your own taxes the old fashion way

Perhaps you know a few people who still print off their tax forms, hand write everything in the required fields, put a stamp on it, and mail it to the IRS. Although this process does take longer than most newer software programs, the reason the person you know is sticking to the lengthy method is because that’s the way they’ve always done it. In addition, the only cost associated with it is the price of a couple of stamps and your time.

If you think the best option for you is paper and pen, make sure you print all your federal forms well in advance so you have time to edit your mistakes. Resources are available online to help you through the handwritten tax filing process. State tax forms can be printed from your state’s website.

DIY electronic tax filing

There are a lot of electronic options available for you during this stressful time. Even better though, there are quite a few options which will allow you to file for free.

IRS Free File

If your income is less than $60,000 a year then you can use the IRS Free File software to file your federal taxes for free. If you make over this amount, the IRS offers free fillable, electronic, forms for you to use. The fillable forms still require knowledge on how to file your taxes.

Turbo Tax

For the first time you can file your federal and state taxes for free using Turbo Tax. The free file edition is targeted towards those who have relatively simple tax situations and those who can use the 1040EZ / 1040 A. The software is designed to be stress-free for users and works very much like an interview by asking you questions about your past year such as, “Are you married?” or “Do you have kids?” It then figures out what form you need to file. If you need help along the way, the site offers 1-on-1 chat capabilities.

The basic edition of Turbo Tax may not work if you have a slightly more complicated tax situation such as ownership of a business or home. If you fall into this category you may need to upgrade to another one of Turbo Tax’s products.

H&R Block

You can file your federal taxes for free and your state taxes for $9.99 in the basic edition of H&R Block’s online tax filing software. The price you pay will be dependent on how complicated of a tax situation you have and how many state tax returns you need to file.

H&R Block will also take a second look at a paper return for free. If there are changes, then you can have them help you for a fee.

Dull the ringing

Filing your own taxes is never a fun process. However, you may find using the right program will be like putting in a pair of ear plugs. The irritating ringing won’t be gone, it will just be dulled enough for you to feel content with the process.

If not, you can always hire a professional before the April 15th deadline.

Which method of tax filing are you using?