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Finding Your Starter Home

Written by Caroline Shapley | Aug 31, 2022 6:30:00 PM

Tips for finding your starter home.

Homebuying can be overwhelming, especially when it’s your first home purchase. Don’t dive in headfirst without knowing what you’re looking for. As a first-time homebuyer, consider a starter home!  

What's a starter home?

A starter home is often a smaller home, which usually means it’s a little cheaper AND easier to maintain. This type of home is great for many, especially young couples dipping their feet into adulthood and long-term responsibilities. 

Homeowning is a huge transition from renting with an increase in responsibility and time commitment. A starter home is your chance to make sure you aren’t biting off more than you can chew. Think of it as an in-between step from renting to owning your future family home. While a bigger home may be available in the area you’re house hunting, a starter home will help you avoid stretching beyond your budget and necessary space you need! 

What are the benefits of a starter home?

The Cost

A huge benefit of purchasing a starter home is the cost. Because they are generally smaller, they’re often cheaper. This is one way to avoid stretching your budget too thin and being strapped for money. Going house-broke (paying more than you can afford for too much space) is never fun and can take a long time to financially recover from.  

Spending less on the home itself leaves more money for making updates, buying new furniture, decorating, and saving for a larger home down the road! Smaller homes also tend to have lower property taxes.

Less Maintenance

Less property means less daily and monthly maintenance, from cleaning the floors to mowing the lawn. 

  • Less lawn to mow means less time sweating in the sun and trimming the edges. 
  • Experiment with mulching and flowers on a smaller scale and see if you have that green thumb. 
  • Less square footage means less area to spend cleaning up pet fur daily and wiping down the trim from muddy paw prints. 
  • A smaller home will cost less to heat and cool, saving money is always a bonus!

Bring on the DIY

Have you ever wanted to see if you can tackle some popular HGTV home projects? A starter home is the perfect blank canvas. With a starter home, DIY projects are tackled on a smaller scale, making them less intimidating and easier to tackle. These upgrade projects will also provide a great chance to make a profit when you decide it’s time to move on to a bigger home. 

Not only is DIY fun and a great way to let out your creative side, but tackling home upgrades yourself can be cheaper than hiring out the entire project!  

Flexible Future

Because a starter home is less of an investment, you won’t feel as planted in this home. It’s a stepping point. A place to grow as a homeowner. This gives you the opportunity to try a new neighborhood. You never know, you might just fall in love with this location and want to stay there! 

So, how do you go about finding a starter home?

Begin the process of looking for a starter home by making a list of what you are looking for and things you absolutely don’t need. For example, you might know you are looking for a home with only one to two bedrooms.  

Deciding what you need and don’t need from the start can help eliminate time spent looking at homes and help narrow down which ones you want to tour.  

Get the process of finding your starter home underway by answering the questions below. Then, when you’re ready to get pre-approved for a home loan, we’re here! 

  1. What is the maximum number of bedrooms I want? 
  2. What part of town do I want to try to find a home in? 
  3. Is a garage a need or a want? 
  4. What amount of yard space do I really want to maintain? 
  5. How important is storage area? 
  6. Do I need a basement? 
  7. Are there any cool restaurants or shopping areas I want to live by? 
  8. How long do I plan to stay in the starter home? 
  9. How important is local noise level? 
  10. Is there enough space for all my furniture and belongings?

Once you've answered these questions, you'll have a pretty solid idea of what type of houses to spend time looking at. If you're ready to apply for pre-approval for your starter home purchase, visit here