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5 Tips to Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolution

Written by GVC Mortgage, Inc. | Jan 7, 2015 5:00:00 AM

5 Tips to Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolution

Did you know, based on research completed last year, only 8% of people achieve their New Year’s resolution? This year, choose to be a part of that 8% by using these 5 tips to accomplish your New Year’s resolution.

1. Choose a meaningful goal

It’s tempting to choose a New Year’s resolution that’s mainstream such as lose weight or get healthy. Although these goals would be beneficial, if you’re not fully dedicated to obtaining these goals you won’t be willing to put in the work. So when you’re selecting your resolution, choose something you really want to accomplish.

2. Be specific

Now that you have your goal, it’s best to break it down and make it more specific. If you want to be more organized then make a list of more specific ways to accomplish this. You may ask yourself “what aspects of my life do I want more organized,” and “how can I accomplish this organization?”

By creating a plan, or having a breakdown of your umbrella goal, you set up smaller more attainable goals. Achieving small goals throughout the year will help keep you motivated and on the right track to actually accomplishing your New Year’s resolution.

3. Hold yourself accountable

Sometimes it’s easy to fall off the bandwagon when all you’re counting on is yourself to keep you in check. Tell someone you’re close to about your goal for the upcoming year. You can even ask someone to accomplish your resolution with you, especially if they have the same interests.

4. Forgive yourself

Oftentimes people fill their minds with negative thoughts if they let their main goal slip—even just for a day. If you miss a day, just pick it up the next day. After all, you’re only human.

5. Stick with it

The most important tip to accomplish your new year’s resolution it to just stick with it. Despite the popular myth that it takes 21 days to make something a habit, there’s no magical number. No matter how long it takes for you to form the habit, stick with it—you can do it!

What steps are you taking to accomplish your New Year’s resolution?