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4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Adopt a Pet

Written by GVC Mortgage, Inc. | Jul 9, 2015 4:00:00 AM

4 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Adopt a Pet

You can’t deny how adorable baby animals are. They make you feel wonderful and sad at the same time for some unexplainable reason. The worst part, you’re always wanting to bring one home.

Just because these animals have some strange power over you doesn’t mean you should bring one home just yet. Pets are a lot of responsibility and you should ask yourself a few tough questions before you adopt a pet.

Question 1: Why do you want a pet?

Are your kids begging you for a pet? Or did you recently see the SPCA’s Sarah McLachlan commercial? Let’s be honest, even hearing the song “Angel” almost brings you to tears because it makes you think about all those lonely animals.

Whatever pet you choose may be with you for 10-20 years so try not to make a rash decision.

If you’ve always wanted one, great! If you’re ready to have a companion and will do whatever it takes to keep it healthy and happy, then adopt a pet.

Question 2: Do you have time?

There’s never enough time in a day to do everything you want, and if you have kids, you already understand time constraints to a baffling degree.

Just like kids, caring for a pet can take up a lot of time, and sometimes a lot of energy depending on the type and breed of the animal. Time commitment is one of the major reasons people take their pets to shelters, thus contributing to the endless cycle of pet adoption commercials and flyers.

You don’t want to be one of those people making another person cry while they watch TV because McLachlan is still singing about saving animals. We know that’s not what the song is about, but you get the point. Make sure you have the time.

Question 3: Do you have the space?

If you want a cat or small dog, you probably have enough space. If you want 10 cats, or a really big dog, or you’re feeling extra gracious and want to adopt every pet you see in your local shelter, you’ll need to evaluate your space constraints.

Question 4: Who will watch them while you’re away?

If you love quick getaway weekends or long vacations, say goodbye now before you adopt a pet. Your spur of the moment lifestyle will quickly disappear as soon as you have a furry friend.

You’ll have to make arrangements ahead of time, take them with you, or just not go at all. It’s like having children, except your pet will act as a toddler for the next 10-20 years and won’t move out – just really make sure you’re ready for this commitment.

Be patient

It may seem as if these questions are meant to deter you from adopting a lifelong companion when really they’re meant to make sure you’ve clearly evaluated how adopting a pet will change your life.

Pets deserve to be loved and if you can’t give them what they need right now, hopefully you will be able to in time. Be patient and wait until you’re absolutely ready.

What other things will you consider before you adopt a pet?